Thursday, December 17, 2009

God Grew Tired of Us

This movie was different then what I usually watch. It was about these boy's or men that came to America to get away from starving, poor, and out of the war or away from the war in Sudan. The people in it needed help getting in to jobs, college, and homes. The guys were very confused at first but by the end they had a job some had two and one went to college and there was one that snapped and got sent to a mental hospital. One of the men Panther was very concerned about the younger boys that came over because he didn't want them to act like the people on MTV.

The difference between Africa and the US are that we have Christmas and different holidays like that and theirs are different too. The other thing is that most people in the US have cars and houses. Most people from Africa live in tents and don't have cars.

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